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The Warriner School


Welcome to the Science Department

Subject Leader

Dr J Mileham

The Team

Mr J Bristow, Head of Biology

Mr J Burrell, Head of Physics

Mr S Caton

Mr J Chilvers

Mr M Doughty, Duke of Edinburgh Manager

Mrs J Goodall

Miss C Greer, Head of Psychology

Mrs G Hatton, Head of Animal Care

Mrs R Higgins

Dr P Honess

Mr J Knowles, KS3 Lead

Miss J Lewis

Miss F Rose

Mr A Savage

Mr A Turner, Faculty Leader

Miss M Gray, Science Technician

Mrs T Harris, Science Technician 


Curriculum Intent

The Science curriculum is designed to embed the key knowledge at the heart of the phenomena that student’s study throughout their time at The Warriner School. At KS3 the curriculum has been designed to stretch students understanding of content taught at KS2 and to develop a sound foundation to build on at KS4.The knowledge we want student to know is carefully selected, so that students have the foundation for later success.

Students will initially study an introductory topic helping them develop procedural and disciplinary knowledge they will need to be successful in science at secondary school. Students will study topics Cells and Reproduction as well as Body Systems in Biology, Particles, Elements and atoms as well as neutralisation and combustion in Chemistry and finally Energy, Forces and motion in Physics.

As students’ progress into Year 8 they will continue to build on the fundamentals from the three Science disciplines. Students will study topics Ecology and Healthy Living in Biology, Properties of substances and Reactions of the real world in Chemistry and finally Light and Sound, Power and Electricity in Physics.

In Year 9 students continue with this carefully chosen declarative knowledge. In addition, this is selected to give students an understanding of later GCSE science components to help them choose the right science path for them. They will study the AQA GCSE science course focusing on Cells and Transport, Atomic Structure and Bonding & Structure as well as Energy and Electricity.

The spiral curriculum we have designed is structured to allow students to revisit previous learning to allow a deeper understanding of the declarative and procedural knowledge needed to successfully navigate our world. At KS4 we have three routes available to allow all students to follow an appropriately challenging and accessible pathway to allow them to reach their full potential.

In Trilogy and Separate Science students study the key concepts that underpin Biology, Chemistry and Physics in Year 10. In Biology these include communicable and non-communicable diseases, bioenergetics and homeostasis. In Chemistry chemical changes, energy changes and calculations in chemistry and in Physics states of matter, radioactivity and forces. In Year 11 previously studied concepts build into the final topics of Evolution, inheritance and ecosystems in Biology. In Chemistry rates of reactions, organic chemistry and using resources finish the curriculum and in Physics students learn about magnetism, waves and space.

In Synergy Science students follow a more thematic approach which covers the fundamental ideas which support progression later in the course. In Year 10 these are mainly Biology based and include communicable and non-communicable diseases, ecosystems & biodiversity, evolution, periodic table and radioactivity. In Year 11 the physical science topics are developed further including structure & bonding, calculations in chemistry, forces & motion and magnetism.

Disciplinary knowledge is woven into the KS3 and KS4 curriculum to allow students opportunity to apply their declarative knowledge to practical and analytical situations. Throughout all key stages a high emphasis is placed on Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary which allow students to access scientific text.

Key Stage 3

In year 7 students will be introduced to the fundamentals in the three Science disciplines as well as the principles of how science works in terms of investigations and using evidence. Students will initially study an introductory topic helping them develop the key skills they will need to be successful in science at secondary school. Students will study topics Cells and Reproduction as well as Body Systems in Biology, Particles, Elements and atoms as well as neutralisation and combustion in Chemistry and finally Energy, Forces and motion in Physics.  

As students’ progress into year 8 they will continue to build on the fundamentals from the three Science disciplines. Students will study topics Ecology and Healthy Living in Biology, Properties of substances and Reactions of the real world in Chemistry and finally Light and Sound, Power and Electricity in Physics.  

In year 9 students are given an introduction into GCSE science to help them choose the right science path for them. They will study the AQA GCSE science course focusing on Cells and Transport, Atomic Structure and the Periodic table as well as Energy and Electricity.   

Key Stage 4

Students at The Warriner are able to study one of three pathways in year 10 and 11.   

Separate Sciences:  The course provides an opportunity for further developing of an understanding of science explanations in Biology, Chemistry and Physics, how science works and makes particular relevance to the roles of professional scientists.  

Combined Science - Trilogy:  A GCSE course which has a large emphasis on scientific literacy – for students to have the knowledge and understanding needed to engage in science-based issues as informed citizens.  

Combined Science - Synergy:  A GCSE course which has a large emphasis on scientific literacy – for students to have the knowledge and understanding needed to engage in science-based issues as informed citizens.  

At The Warriner we follow the AQA GCSE syllabus.  

Topics covered at GCSE  

Separate Sciences:    

Biology: Cell biology, Organisation, Infection and response, Bioenergetics, Homeostasis and response, Inheritance, variation and evolution, Ecology and Key ideas.   

Chemistry: Atomic structure and the periodic table, Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter, Quantitative chemistry, Chemical changes, The rate and extent of chemical change, Organic chemistry, Chemical analysis, Chemistry of the atmosphere, Using resources, and Key ideas.   

Physics: Energy, Electricity, Particle model of matter, Atomic structure, Forces, Waves, Magnetism and electromagnetism, Space physics and Key ideas.  

Combined Science:   

Trilogy course: Cell biology, Organisation, Infection and response, Bioenergetics, Homeostasis and response, Inheritance, variation and evolution, Ecology and key ideas in biology. Atomic structure and the periodic table, Bonding, structure, and the properties of matter, Quantitative chemistry, Chemical changes, Energy changes, The rate and extent of chemical change, Organic chemistry, Chemical analysis, Chemistry of the atmosphere, Using resources, and key ideas in chemistry. Energy, Electricity, Particle model of matter, Atomic structure, Forces, Waves, Magnetism and electromagnetism, and key ideas in physics.  

Synergy course: Building blocks, Transport over larger distances, Interactions with the environment, Explaining change,  Building blocks for understanding, Interactions over small and large distances, Movement and interactions, Guiding Spaceship Earth towards a sustainable future, and Key ideas.  

Key Stage 5

A Levels are offered in Biology (OCR A), Chemistry (AQA) and Physics (AQA).

Examination Information

Combined Science Trilogy
Combined Science Synergy

A Level:
Biology: OCR A
Chemistry:  AQA
Physics: AQA