Lost Property
Lost Property
Losing uniform and equipment can be both upsetting and frustrating for students and parents. Replacing lost uniform and equipment is expensive therefore we hope that these guidelines will assist students in retrieving any misplaced items.
Firstly please ensure that all clothing and property is named.
Staff members are unable to search for students' lost property and the onus is on students to take responsibility for their own property. When students lose property they should retrace their steps, looking in the classroom or area where they believe the property was left.
All named lost property that is handed in to the General Office is returned to its rightful owner.
Regular reminders are placed on the morning bulletin for individual students to collect their named property. All other lost property is placed in labelled boxes in the Lecture Theatre.
Every three weeks unclaimed lost property is either recycled for charity or the school second-hand uniform shop.
Supervised access to the lost property boxes is available at breaktimes.