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The Warriner School


Welcome to the Mathematics Department

Subject Leader

Miss E Tomlinson & Mr A Turner

The Team

Miss K Brand

Mr M Byford, 2nd in Department

Miss S Caple

Mr J Chilvers

Mr D Coles, Assistant Headteacher

Mrs N Hamilton

Mr P Hogben, Further Maths

Mrs J Howards

Mr N McAnulty

Mr M Rafferty, SMIRC, Careers and Community Lead, Head of Year 11

Mr L Rogers, Head of Churchill House

Mr J Trotman


Curriculum Intent

The Mathematics curriculum is designed to embed the key declarative mathematical knowledge that students will require during their time at Warriner and beyond. We aim to develop students’ mathematical thinking, mastery approach, deep understanding, and enjoyment and enrichment.

We believe that it is essential for students to develop mathematical thinking in and out of the classroom to fully master mathematical concepts. We teach students disciplinary knowledge as we want students to think like mathematicians, not just ‘do the maths’. We believe that during the learning experience students should explore, wonder, question, conjecture, experiment, communicate and theorise in order to guide their own journey.

Our carefully designed spiral curriculum ensures that students continually revisit previous learning to reinforce knowledge on each mathematical area before moving on to deepen and stretch their understanding and procedural knowledge. Units studied fall into one of six mathematical areas determined by the National Curriculum: Number; Algebra; Ratio, Proportion and Rates of Change; Geometry and Measures; Statistics; Probability. These are supplemented by the inclusion of characters from history, creativity and culture to enrich the experience still further and provide connective links to other subjects.

Topics are encountered at broadly the same point each year but with increasing complexity as a student progresses through the school. This allows students to revisit core disciplinary and procedural knowledge from previous components and build these into more detailed composites. This also exposes the inter-connectedness of Mathematics, showing how concepts build into a hierarchy both within and across topics, further developing student’s schema. It also allows for a period of maturation for each mathematical concept, which is necessary for a student to be able to select and use knowledge from their “toolbox” in order to think mathematically and perform the vital procedural and disciplinary knowledge of problem-solving, reasoning and communication.

At Key Stage 3, we look to: build upon the important work of our MAT primary colleagues in KS2 (including filling any gaps which may remain); develop fluency in the use of mathematical language; develop problem-solving processes; develop use of mathematical tools such as calculators, protractors and compasses; build foundations for the KS4 content.

At Key Stage 4, our aim is to build successful learners who enjoy learning and, most importantly, reach or exceed expectations at GCSE. Successful students should have developed fluency in the use of mathematical language and built solid foundations in all areas. The ability to study independently and good organisation skills are also essential. In Year 11 we also introduce work on revision and exam technique. We also enrich our curriculum by offering opportunities for students to study Further Mathematics and in future we hope to offer GCSE Statistics.

Key Stage 3

Our teaching in Years 7, 8 and 9 follows a structured scheme of work in which topics are revisited each year with increasing levels of complexity. This strategy has been planned to link with work being completed in primary schools and ensures a smooth transition between Primary and Secondary school.  Throughout Key Stage 3 students have seven one hour lessons per fortnight.  As always we vary the style of our teaching to include problem solving activities, practical work, investigational work and the use of ICT where appropriate.  

Key Stage 4

In Years 10 and 11 pupils work towards the Edexcel GCSE at either Foundation or Higher Tier.  Assessment takes place regularly to provide meaningful feedback and promote effective retention of concepts and skills.

In addition to the Mathematics GCSE, some students may also have the opportunity to study the AQA Level 2 Certificate in Further Maths, which prepares students well for advanced mathematics and sciences, including Further Maths at A-Level.

In addition to the understanding of mathematical concepts, a lot of teaching time is dedicated to applying this understanding through problem-solving, reasoning and real-life applications. Assessment of these more difficult skills forms 50% of the marks awarded at GCSE.

Examination Information

   GCSE: EdExcel

     Students will sit three 90-minute exams at either Foundation or Higher Tier. 

Other Information

In addition to the basic equipment for all lessons, students must bring to every Maths lesson:

  • A CASIO scientific calculator (we recommend the Casio fx-83GT CW or similar)
  • A ruler
  • A protractor
  • A pair of compasses

If you are the parent of a new Year 7 student and wish to order a calculator these will be available to order (costing approximately £9) during the first two weeks of the school year. We recommend not buying a calculator beforehand unless you are certain it is the correct type.

Please see below the Year 7 Online Sparx Maths Video:

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