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The Warriner School

Gold DofE - Year 13

Gold DofE - Year 13   

Congratulations to the three students who have already finished their Gold DofE award.  For the rest of you, it is possible to complete the Gold whilst in Year 13.  It is important that the students ask for support and help to find the residential suitable for them - there really are lots of opportunities out there and I am happy to point them in the right direction.

We have very much enjoyed supporting you with your DofE journey and hope that you will all complete the award in the next couple of terms.  If you have not finished before you leave The Warriner School, don't forget you have until your 25th birthday to complete it and I will continue to support you once you have left school.  Below, I have put some help sections to hopefully guide you getting as much done with your Gold award, before you go onto University/Further Education or work and leave The Warriner School.  

Mrs Wood (DofE Manager) & The Warriner School Staff DofE Team

Ideas for Gold DofE Residential - click here

How to get started on your Duke of Edinburgh Award:

On a computer - eDofE | How to log in to eDofE - YouTube

On the App -  eDofE | How to use the DofE App - YouTube

Please note that we encourage the students not to upload weekly evidence via the app, but to put this evidence into a PowerPoint Presentation, so that they can show their assessor's at the end of the required time and upload onto eDofE for me to see just one piece of evidence.

expedition section to finish

  • Make sure that you have entered the details for your practice and assessment expedition, even though they were back to back!
  • Write in your group goal and your personal aim and ask me to approve them
  • Ask your team members for the information to put here, or message me for help
  • Finally, once you have put the information onto eDofE, you will be able to read the personal assessors report that Ocean Rock wrote about your expedition - well worth reading - they certainly made us very proud of your achievements.

your assessor has left/changed for your other sections

If you have changed your assessor/activity, as long as you are keeping a good record on your activity log and the activity fits in the same category (email me to check if necessary), you can ask your Tutor, or teacher to be your assessor.  Please remember that the assessors report must match that of the assessor on your planner, so you may need to ask me to unapprove your planner so that you can change it and ask me to approve it again.

If you have done two different activities, the report MUST be about the two different activities, or you could get an assessors report for one of the activities and then a second report for the other. If you have not got an activity log, please let me know as we can sort this out - no problem.

finished activities - assessors report required

If you have mislaid your participants pack, you can access it here:

You do not need to get your paper assessors page, from your participants pack signed by your assessor. This can be done via email - very easy to do and if this is where you are stuck, you could complete sections really quickly:

  • Upload your activity logs to your eDofE page and any other evidence that you have. (IF you do not have your activity log, email me as I can help with this)
  • Email your assessor with the evidence and the activity logs. Please note, the assessor does not have access to your eDofE area.  Also, email them the following information filling in the relevant information to identify what they are assessing:
  • Website Link to send to assessors with the details:
    Participants ID Number:  XXXXXXXX
    Level:  Gold
    Section:  Voluntary, Physical or Skill
  • The assessor will complete the report online and this will come straight to me.  I will check that I can see your activity log and assessors report and sign off the section.  Do this for each of the three sections to complete your Certificate of Achievement.  

overload of Dofe information - apologies!

I apologise for a lot of information, but the students are all at different levels, so I am trying to focus on the main problems that students and parents are emailing me with. It is absolutely no problem to email me: - if I am honest, email me if you have a problem, we can sort it out quite quickly this way.
I would like to think that DofE should have given the students some focus to do during lockdown, and which gave them something different to do other than school work and to use the time at the weekends.  I am sure that the voluntary activities made a massive impact to the community, friends and elderly and no doubt the students have brightened their day and helped them through this difficult time.  Perhaps consider continuing with the DofE activities, even if you have them signed off with DofE?
Don't forget that there is loads of information on your eDofE too, under resources.



Thank you also to the members of staff who are assessing the students

and running training sessions when they can.

Mrs Wood and The Warriner School DofE Team

October 2023