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The Warriner School

Sixth Form Life & Our Expectations

Code of Conduct

We require all Sixth Form applicants and students to agree to and abide by the terms of our code of conduct (contract below)

Dress Code

Sixth form students have the privilege of choosing what to wear to school but should dress in an appropriate manner for the school working environment, remembering that they are role models for our younger students. Our objective in establishing a smart-casual dress code is to enable our students to learn comfortably in the school. 

For clarity, the following points apply:

  • Ripped, dirty, faded or frayed clothes and shoes are not allowed. They cannot be considered smart-casual clothing.
  • Trousers should be clean with no extreme decoration such as studs or patches. Extreme styles are not allowed.
  • Tracksuits are not smart-casual, and are therefore not permitted.
  • Smart, tailored shorts are permitted; they must be an appropriate length (just above the knee)
  • Flip-flops and any other shoes that are not strapped to the feet are unsafe in school as they present a health and safety risk.
  • Clothing should not be revealing at the neckline, waist or hips.
  • Mini-skirts are not permitted.
  • Strapless tops and those with thin straps (including vests) are not permitted.
  • Piercings should be discreet and appropriate for a school setting.
  • Hairstyles should not be extreme.

The final decision on whether a student's attire is acceptable lies with the Sixth Form staff; dress code infringements will be acted upon. 


Sixth Form students are expected to be in school punctually by 8.25 am and to remain in school until the end of the school day at 3.00p.m. Every Sixth Form student will have study periods on their timetable during which they are not taught and it should be emphasised that these should be spent in private study in the Sixth Form Centre, Study Kitchen or Library.

If a student is absent from school because of illness or family bereavement, the school should be informed by 8.40am on the first day of absence and every day thereafter if necessary.

For any student absence we must receive a written explanation from their parent / carer / guardian.

Students are not to take holidays during term time under any circumstances. Extended holidays during term time can have consequences on whether a student is allowed to continue with A Level study.

If a student has an unavoidable medical appointment or interview in school time, they must notify the school in writing beforehand. It is a matter of courtesy that a student should try to see their teachers in advance if they know they will miss their lessons.

The following reasons for absence would not be acceptable and will not be authorised:

  • Driving lessons
  • Holidays
  • Part- or full-time work which is not part of your programme of study
  • Leisure activities
  • Birthday or similar celebrations
  • Babysitting younger siblings
  • Shopping
  • Attendance at music festivals such as Glastonbury


Food is available to purchase from the Restaurant during break and lunchtime and from the Study Kitchen. Students are also able to make use of the kitchen facilities within the Sixth Form common room.


The Warriner School operates a green travel plan. This means that we expect members of the Sixth Form to, where possible, use school / public transport, walk or cycle. We do not have the facilities to offer parking for students on site. Sixth Form students are able to apply to Oxfordshire County Council for a subsidised bus pass.