GSCE Results Day 2024

GCSE Results – The Warriner School
The Warriner School students celebrate GCSE success.
The Warriner School students, parents and staff are delighted by a great set of GCSE exam results. Indeed, close to half of the 279 students attained a Grade 5 in both their English and Maths GCSEs, with a third of students achieving Grade 7+ in their triple Sciences.
Head of School, Mrs Sharon Nicholls said, “It has been a real privilege to share the excitement with our students as they collected their results today. We would like to congratulate all our students on these very successful results, with some amazing stand-out individual performances. The students have shown that despite the disruption they experienced to their early secondary education, their hard work and resilience has paid off; all our students can take great pride in their achievements.”
Executive Headteacher, Dr Annabel Kay said, “Many of our students have applied for our Sixth Form and these successful results allows them to now take their next challenging academic steps into ‘A’ Levels, and other students to go on to their college courses, apprenticeships and beyond – we wish them all well.”
If anyone would like to make an application to our Sixth Form to join this wonderful group of students, please contact Deputy Head of School, Mr Fisher: