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The Warriner School

A-Level Results Day 2024

A-level Results – The Warriner School

Students, parents and staff are, once more, celebrating an impressive set of A-Level results. We are especially delighted that over a fifth of our students achieved an A* or an A Grade A Level, with 55% of students achieving A*-B grades. Notably, we had seven incredible students achieving A*/A grades across all their subjects. 

This set of results enables many of our students the opportunity to study their first choice of university courses, work apprenticeships and other next steps. The wide range of opportunities can be seen with the breadth of higher education choices, which includes Medics, Criminology, Neuroscience, Engineering, Historical Archaeology, Animation and Law, as well as the more traditional Sciences, Humanities, Maths and English.  

Head of School, Sharon Nicholls: “As staff we are very proud of our sixth form students and their results. To achieve A Level success – whatever that may mean to each individual student – involves two years of academically challenging study, ending with a rigorous suite of exams, and this takes hard-work, resilience and 100% commitment from the students, and they have all found success in their own way.”

Dr Annabel Kay, Executive Headteacher, said “We wish them all well on their onward educational journey.”