Teacher Strike Action - Thursday 2nd March
As you are aware, there is a second day of teacher strike action planned, nationally, for this area on Thursday 2nd March 2023.
We have reflected long and hard about whether we can safely have any year groups in, with the number of teachers we are likely to have in school working, on that day.
We have decided that we will be able to teach Year 7s and Year 13s - Year 7s because they are our youngest cohort of students and Year 13s because they are our smallest cohort of students, therefore we will have enough teachers.
For our other year groups: Years 8,9,10,11 and 12, staff, who are not striking, will deliver lessons online in the usual way via Teams and work will also be set on our Go 4 Schools platform.
Year 10 and 11s can also use SAMLearning - they have recently received their personal login details.
Year 11s also need to revise for their mock exams and to reassure Year 11s, we will add another day to our exam schedule, to make up for this missed mock exam day.
Can I ask that if your child is at home on Thursday that you encourage them to join their lessons remotely if they take place and to engage fully with the GO resources.
I apologise for this disruption but, to reiterate, this is a national strike, aimed at trying to improve the educational resources in this country, to support all young people and their education.
Thank you as ever.
Best wishes
Mrs S Nicholls
Head of School