Year 7 Drama students enjoyed an 'Immersive Drama experience' organised by Year 12 this morning. Lots of spooky tales and opportunities to meet a host of creepy characters. Thank you Year 12 Drama students...
We are particularly pleased with the number of Year 11s that attended Easter Revision Classes and the response to the Easter Guided Revision set by their teachers.
Please feel free to pop along to the farm this weekend between 2pm and 5pm (Saturday 12th or Sunday 13th March) to visit our newborn lambs, calves and kids. Refreshments will be available in order to raise funds for the farm; if you are able to donate a cake for this purpose...
Before Christmas, amongst other fundraising activities, our students took part in the Santa Run for Katharine House Hospice, and Christmas Jumper Day in aid of Save the Children.
This is a reminder that the closing date for the American Exchange is 17th January 2022.
The proposed dates for going to America are Friday 14th October 2022 returning Sunday 23rd October 2022, however be reassured that these dates can be changed due to Covid restrictions near...
Last week students in Years 9-11 got to see the Camps International presentation on our 2023 Expedition to Kenya, and parents have been sent a letter of information. This opportunity is open to students who will still be with us (in Years 11-13) in 2023. Scan the QR code to find out more.
We are delighted to report some outstanding achievements by our students in their A levels, GCSEs and other qualifications this summer. The results days have been really positive occasions.
For example, with GCSE grade 9s in English, French and PE and grade 8s in History...
I am pleased to share with the wider Warriner School community the report that was written as a result of three days of our recent Challenge Partners' virtual quality assurance review.