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The Warriner School

Target Setting and Reporting

The target setting process for KS3 and KS4

When students join us in KS3 they are placed on a flightpath range, which represents a range of GCSE grades to aim towards for the end of Year 11. These ranges cover three GCSE grades with the lower grade being that which our flightpath model predicts. At the beginning of KS4, teachers and students will discuss their flightpath range and decide which grade is the most appropriate for them to be aiming for in each subject.

Flightpaths may be increased in KS4 in individual subjects as students’ progress through the school if they are shown to be consistently working above target/expectations.

For each data point in KS4 in GCSE subjects, students are given an expected WAG which, if they remain working at this grade, they will achieve their flightpath grade. BTEC/OCR subjects just have an overall flightpath grade due to the nature of the learning.

Key Stage 2 scaled scores in reading and maths (from SATs exams taken in Year 6) are used as a starting point on our flightpath model. We use SATs as the baseline and map Government expectations of student performance from KS2 (SATs) to KS4 (GCSE) (attainment 8 scores) against this to create GCSE targets/flightpaths, with a level of stretch/challenge built in.

For Year 8 and 9 students MIDYIS assessment data was used to create a flightpath range, as Key Stage 2 tests did not take place. The MIDYIS assessments, taken in September 2020 or 2021, used probability outcomes based on individual student performance in the tests, and previous performance of similar Year 7 students and their nationally standardised scores looking at Year 7 and Year 11 (GCSE) outcomes. 

Feedback and Reporting

The academic progress of our students is formally communicated through Subject Consultation Evenings and our reporting system three times a year.

We use a management information system called 'Go4Schools' to hold key information about our students including reporting information. This programme enables immediate analysis of students' attainment and progress towards targets. 

Using Go4Schools you are able to access your child's termly report online alongside lots of other useful information about them (eg attendance, house points and homework).  You will be given details for registering for Go4Schools when your child joins The Warriner School and a reminder is below.

How to log into Go4Schools to access your child's report:

In order to log onto Go4Schools you need to visit and click on the Login and Parents login

Enter your email address (this must be the email address that you have registered with the school) into the ‘First-time User’ section and click the ‘new password’ button. You will receive an email from Go4Schools with a link to set your new password.  The email might go into your ‘other’ or ‘junk’ folders so please check there too

You will then be taken to a page where you click on your child’s name. If you have more than one child at the school, you will be able to view all their names and you can select the one you wish to view.

At the top of the next page is some 'At a Glance' information. Scroll down to the 'Progress and Reports' section and click on the date of the most recent report.

Understanding your child’s report


The Expected ‘Working At Grade’ (WAG) for each subject. This will always be ‘At expectations’ as the expectation for each child is personal to them, based on their individual flightpath, i.e. the higher the flightpath, the higher the expectations.

The Current ‘Working At Grade’ (WAG) for each subject. This grade is generated from teacher markbooks and represents the most appropriate combination/average of ongoing assessments at this time, each of which is measured against the individual expectations for students.

Student progress is judged as ‘exceeding,’ ‘at,’ ‘towards’ or ‘below expectations,’ based on what has been taught


The expected ‘Working At Grade’ is based on a student’s flightpath. This is where we expect a student to be at this given point if they are to achieve their GCSE flightpath target.

The current ‘Working At Grade’ (WAG) is based upon students’ attainment in assignments and class tests which are linked to exam board assessment criteria.

The Working at Grade will be a GCSE grade (9-1) and the symbols + and – are used to indicate security

Active Engagement and Homework

Students are given a grade for their active engagement and homework based on the criteria below:-

  • Outstanding: The student is doing everything they can to achieve their potential.
  • Good: The student is working well and has a positive attitude to their work.
  • Requires Improvement: There needs to be a change in attitude towards work and the student is at significant risk of underachieving.
  • Concern: The student’s attitude to their learning is poor and they need adult intervention and supervision to achieve anything.

When reading your child’s report, if you have a subject specific issue or concern, the subject teacher or subject leader should be contacted. If there are wider concerns across a range of subjects then the tutor is a more appropriate first contact point.